Monday, November 25, 2013

Mind Dump Monday

On Sorrow's Ground

At this seasonal time of festivities, we also find a higher rise in depression.  A time when days are incredibly short, and the Sun that lead us joyfully, in the warmer months, goes to rest earlier and earlier each day.  Dusk and night come quickly, and thus the fleeting warmth of sunshine has just a few precious hours to work it's magic.  I find myself more in tune with this change now, than ever before...

I'm also recognizing a continual stream of received insights and messages throughout the day.  From the first break of consciousness in the morning, to the just-as-I-fall-asleep time, little thoughts pop into my mind, that ring true.

'On sorrow's ground' - from Belladonna, by Anne Bishop 

'It's time to change your story' - from some reading, or multiple readings in the past few years

'Go for a walk, get up now' - healthy living advise, when I experience my 'first' wake-up each morning at 6am

'You are still processing the last bit of that relationship, your uncomfortable dreams are a testament to that' - Dream interpretation discussions 

'Get your car fixed, don't let it go too long' - message from my Grandfathers

'Change your Story'  ...

Life is a series of steps, of chances, of embracing the chance to make a change in your present condition.  To taking that leap of faith on the 'next thing' and run with it.   Having the courage to go with it no matter what.

I still have that BIG feeling of doing something tremendous with my life.  I still have days, like today, when I doubt my previous actions and wonder what I'm doing... 

And then, as now, I hear the words, 'Change your Story' and feel a subtle shift as I know the truth of that statement.  And as I feel relieved, having acknowledged that truth, other fears melt away and a strength of character starts pushing through, morphing the bedrock of myself just a little more.  

Change your story ... When you don't like what you have been saying; when you don't like who you are, or who you are becoming, it's time to change your story. 

Do you realize that you are the Author of your life?  Who else knows you, better than you?  Who else tells your story?  I read in many career guides, how you tell your story is as important, if not more important than what's on your resume - which in fact, is a written summary of your story.  To better sell yourself, you often have to look at the facts and find a positive, yet honest way to tell your tale. 

And so having just cried a bit speaking many of these ideas to a trusted friend, and with these quickly shifting thoughts filling the screen before me, a long held weight is lifted and I find myself drifting off to sleep for just a few moments.  The relief of expressing myself so pronounced that it's exhausting.  awakening, I feel some loose ends pulled tight, and a new appreciation for the day ahead. 

In parting I remember the sight of a late night, cloud scattered sky - moon and stars bright in night's dark cape, leafless trees swaying in the howling winds, as I watch from my warm, snug bedroom window.  Stark natural beauty at its finest.  I am reminded that I am just one person in Trillions on this planet; and that all change starts with a single idea, a single step towards something bigger than oneself.